See the Right Person, at the Right Time
By seeing the right person at the right time, you can reduce your wait time for an appointment.
Introduction to Healthcare Team Roles
Dr Paddy Hannigan Introductory Video on YouTube about Healthcare Team roles.
General Practitioner (GP)
General practitioners (GPs) treat all common medical conditions and refer patients to hospitals and other medical services for urgent and specialist treatment.
Our Advanced Nurse Practitioner is here to support our doctors and will issue prescriptions. This leaves our Doctors able to see more patients with more complex medical ailments.
- Coughs & Colds (Flu like symptoms)
- Sore throat. Tonsillitis
- Sinusitis
- Aches & pains
- Skin rashes, infections. Cellulitis
- Acute chest infection/exacerbation of Asthma
- Urinary symptoms, such as cystitis, blood in urine
- Ear Infections
- Temperature. Patient more than 8 weeks
- Allergic reaction
- Eczema
- Delaying Menstruation
- Constipation
- Diarrhoea and Vomiting
- Emergency Contraception
- Haemorrhoids
- Gout
- Acute Headaches. If ongoing needs review with GP
- Lumps & Bumps
- Breast Issues, mastitis etc
- Discussion of blood results
- Chronic Disease Management
- Conjunctivitis (from birth to 2 years)
- Vaginal Examinations
- Moles
- Abdominal Pain
- Vaginal issue, swabs, examinations
Urgent Care Practitioners (UCP) are qualified Paramedics with additional training and skills. They work closely with primary care teams to triage and assess patients, give treatment, and prescribe medication”. The following are some of the conditions they manage:
- Abdominal pain
- Acute Breathing problems
- Acute diabetic problems
- Allergic reaction
- Back pain
- Blood pressure review
- Chest Pain, Electrocardiogram (ECG), Heart Failure
- Collapse or Fainting
- Confusion
- Cough
- Dementia: New onset symptoms for 6CIT (Six Item Cognitive Impairment Test) assessment
- Discussion of abnormal bloods
- Dizziness
- Ear pain or discharge
- Ear, Nose or Throat Symptoms
- Falls
- Fever
- Headaches
- Ophthalmology examination and presentations
- PR (Per Rectum) Bleeding or Discharge
- Rashes
- Urinary Tract Symptoms
- Vomiting or Diarrhoea
Our Practice Nurse can see you for:
- Chronic Disease annual reviews
- ECG (Electrocardiogram)
- Swabs
- Vitamin B12 injections
- Childhood Immunisations
- Blood Pressure
- Weight Management
- Travel advice and vaccination
- Vaccinations & Immunisations including Prostap
- Health Promotion including Lifestyle and dietary advice
- Holiday vaccination
- Wound Care
- Removal of Stitches and Clips
- Phlebotomy
- Smears
- Contraception advice including pill checks and Depo Provera
Our GP Assistant will see you for
- Blood pressure and Hypertension Reviews
- New Patient Health Check
- NHS Health Check
- ECG (Electrocardiogram)
- Phlebotomy
- Health Promotion. Lifestyle and dietary advice
Our Practice Pharmacist, who can also issue prescriptions, will see patients over 6 years old for:
- Medication Reviews
- Structured Medication reviews
- Newly diagnosed Hypertensives
- Non urgent medication queries
- Asthma Reviews
- Minor ailments and management of common illnesses
Clinical Pharmacist
Clinical Pharmacists provide patient care that optimizes the use of medication and promotes health, wellness and disease prevention.
In GP practices, pharmacists work closely with the practice teams to answer queries about medicines, and ensure medicines are being used appropriately to keep patients safe.
Our GP Clinical Pharmacist is able to prescribe medicines and undertakes minor illness clinics.
This service is provided as part of our Primary Care Network (PCN).
YouTube video describing the Clinical Pharmacist role.
Our Clinical Pharmacist will see you for.
- Medication Reviews
- Non urgent medication queries
- Structured Medication reviews
Pharmacy Technician
Pharmacy Technicians help with a range of tasks that vary in complexity from preparing the repeat prescriptions to undertaking prescribing audits and helping patients get the best outcomes from taking their medicines. The purpose of the role is to maximise safe, cost effective, prescribing to improve the quality of patient care.
This service is provided as part of our Primary Care Network (PCN).
Our Pharmacy Technician, will see you for:
- Medication Reviews
- Non urgent medication queries
Our Health Care Assistant will see you for:
- Blood pressure and Hypertension Reviews
- New Patient Health Check
- Removal of stitches and clips
- Wound Care. Dressings
- Health Promotion. Lifestyle and dietary advice
- Coronary heart disease (CHD) and Atrial fibrillation (AF) annual Reviews
- Removal of Stitches
- ECG (Electrocardiogram)
- Vitamin B12 Injections
- Phlebotomy
- NHS Health Checks
Mental Health Practitioners provide assessment, diagnosis and support patients with mental health conditions. Principally anxiety disorders and depression in the self management of their recovery.
This service is provided as part of our Primary Care Network (PCN).
Information Video
The role of Mental Health Practitioners in primary care services YouTube Video (opens in new browser window). This video focuses on how Mental Health Practitioners in Adult Mental Health Services in South Staffordshire work with GPs and other primary care colleagues to support individuals experiencing mental health issues.
What Mental Health Practitioners can see you for
- Depression
- Anxiety and Stress
- Patients with or without long history of mental illness
- Stress and feeling overwhelmed
- Low Mood. Unable to cope
- Patients with physical health problems that are impacting their mental health
Physician Associates are trained to perform a number of roles, including taking medical histories, performing examinations, diagnosing illnesses, analysing test results and developing management plans for the care of patients. They support doctors in the management of patients.
This service is provided as part of our Primary Care Network (PCN).
Our Physician Associate can see you for:
- Minor illness
- Female health
- Male health
- Childrens Health (any age)
- Dermatology
- Muscular skeletal problems
- Mental Health. Depression and anxiety
- Ear Nose and Throat (ENT)
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Cardiovascular; heart failure and or chest pains
- Pregnancy issues
- Endocrine; diabetes, thyroid problems
- Elderly Care; falls risk, dementia advice
- Contraceptive advice
- Renal, kidney, urinary
- Eye problems
- Respiratory issues
- Headaches and or migraines
First Contact Physiotherapists (FCPs) are physiotherapists working with GP surgeries with an expertise in the assessment and management of musculoskeletal conditions.
Muscle or joint pains, strains, sprains or joint stiffness
Have you considered seeing a musculoskeletal specialist?
Please speak to the reception team for more information and to book your appointment.
This service is provided as part of our Primary Care Network (PCN).
YouTube video describing the First Contact Physiotherapist role.
Our First Contact Physiotherapists can see you for:
- Neck, shoulder, hip, knee, ankle or foot pain
- All soft tissue injuries, sprains, strains or sports injuries
- Arthritis (any joint)
- Possible problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons or bone. For example, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, ankle sprains
- Spinal related pain in arms or legs, including nerve symptoms. For example, pins and needles or numbness
- Changes to walking
- Post orthopaedic surgery
- Spinal pain including lower back pain, mid back pain and neck pain
Paramedics are highly trained, degree level professionals. They have been first responders in a variety of situations and are experts at keeping patients at home. They will be able to carry out assessments and the management of requests for same day urgent home visits, as well as regular visits to homebound patients with long term conditions.
This service is provided as part of our Primary Care Network (PCN).
YouTube video describing the Paramedics role.
Our Paramedics can see you for:
- Adults and children from 12 weeks of age
- Minor ailments (Coughs, sore throats, ears)
- New musculoskeletal problems.
- New presentations of headache and or migraine
- Acute gastrointestinal issues
- Urinary and or kidney problems
- Respiratory issues
- Elderly care
- Chronic disease reviews
- Learning Disability reviews
- Difficult phlebotomy
- 12 lead ECG (Electrocardiogram) and interpretation
- New presentations of skin problems
- Cardiovascular problems
District Nurses
The District Nurse will carry out nursing duties and will visit you in your home if you are unable to attend the surgery and have been referred by your doctor.
District Nurses help with dressings and removal of sutures, advice and care of the acutely and chronically sick and terminally ill and advice on incontinence and supplying pads and other aids.
Health Visitors
Health Visitors specialise in promoting the health and development of infants and preschool children and their families, offering help and advice.
Health Visitors are available to help with health matters relating to the everyone between the ages of 0 and 19 years.
You can obtain further information see Families Health and Wellbeing Service (0 to 19 Year olds)
This service is commissioned by Midlands Partnership NHS Trust who can be contacted on 0300 303 3924.
Community Midwife
The Midwife provides care for mothers before and after delivery and care for the baby during the first fortnight of life. They work together with our doctors. Your Midwife will give you their mobile number once you are under their care.
The Receptionists are here to help you.
- They will make appointments to see the Doctor and other members of the Primary Care Team.
- They have been trained to assist you to ensure you see the right person at the right time.
- They may ask you a few questions, which is ok, as this will ensure you see the right person who can help you.
Social Prescribers help reduce health inequalities by supporting people to unpick complex issues affecting health and wellbeing. They recognise that people's health is determined primarily by a range of social, economic and environmental factors, social prescribing seeks to address people's needs in a holistic way. It also aims to support individuals to take greater control of their own health.
This service is provided as part of our Primary Care Network (PCN).
YouTube video describing the Social Prescriber role.
Our Social Prescriber can see you for:
- Volunteering
- Family Issues
- Relationship
- Stress
- Bereavement
- Housing
- Work related stress
- Lonely and or Isolated
- Parenting
- Support as a Carer
- Debt
- Affected by Crime Antisocial behaviour
- Support for Independent Living
- Accessing and or Return to Work
- Legal problems
- Disability Support
- Housing
- House adaptation Support
- Exercise and or Fitness
Our Services
The medical services provided by our GPs and clinical staff are defined under the General Medical Services (GMS) Contract. These services are mainly split into three groups of:
Essential Services
We provide essential services for people who have health conditions from which they are expected to recover, chronic disease management and general management of terminally ill patients.
Our core services include
- GP consultations
- Telephone consultations
- Home Visits
- Phlebotomy service
- Chronic Disease management
Our additional services include
- Cervical cytology screening
- Contraceptive services
- Child health surveillance
- Maternity services
- Vaccinations and immunisations
- Medication Reviews
- Learning Disability assessments
Enhanced Services
Our enhanced services include
- Childhood vaccinations and immunisations
- Prostate Cancer Injection Therapy
- Flu and Pneumococcal immunisations
- Joint injections
- Postnatal checks
- Minor Surgery
- Contraceptive implants
- Fittings of IUS for treatment of Menorrhagia
- Contraceptive coil fitting (IUD)
Other Services
Our Practice also offers services including
- Child Health and Development
- Wound management
- New patient and General health checks
- Mental health and Dementia services
- End of life care
- Travel advice
- Ring Pessary replacement
- Men and Woman’s health
- Pregnancy testing and contraceptive advice
The practice runs the following clinics
- Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Clinic
- Diabetic Clinic
- Asthma Clinic
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Clinic
- Family Planning including IUD (intrauterine device, or coil) fitting
- Minor Surgery
- Implants
It is helpful to know if you have a Carer (someone who takes on an unpaid caring role) or if you are a Carer for someone else. We have a page dedicated to Carers where you can also register with us as a carer so we can provide you with additional support.