Main Road,
Brereton, Rugeley
WS15 1DU

Referral to Hospital or Other Service Provider

If you need to be referred to hospital for treatment or specialist advice, you may be able to choose where and when you go. In most cases you can choose from a number of hospitals and locations.

For most referrals the GP will write to your chosen provider and ask them to arrange an appointment for you. The provider will then contact you to arrange an appointment.  In most cases you will hear from the provider in 6 to 8 weeks.  Please do not chase your appointment prior to this.  If you have not heard from the provider after 8 weeks then contact them direct.  Don't contact the surgery. If the GP wanted you to be seen sooner, he would have advised you that you would be seen within 2 weeks and we would have written to you to advise you of this. 

Some services are now known as opt in rather than opt out.  This means that you are required to contact them to make an appointment rather than waiting for them to contact you. If you are being referred to a service like this the GP will inform you and give you details or a leaflet explaining how and when you should contact to make your appointment. 

It is now NHS policy that patients can see the letter their GP sends to the hospital when they are referred. If you would like to see a copy of your referral letter please ask either the receptionist or the doctor during your appointment You will be able to pick the letter up personally from the reception desk a few days later. To protect your right to confidentiality we cannot post copies out to your home address nor can we allow someone else to pick it up on your behalf.