Main Road,
Brereton, Rugeley
WS15 1DU

Self Help and Living Well

NHS Health A to Z
Health A to Z

Your complete guide to conditions, symptoms and treatments, including what to do and when to get help.

Health A to Z
Live Well
Live Well

Advice on healthy living, including eating a balanced diet, weight, exercise and more.

Live Well
Mental Health
Mental Health

Self assessment tools to assess your overall mood, look for signs of anxiety and depression, create a mind plan.

Mental Health
NHS Medicines A to Z
Medicines A to Z

How your medicine works, how and when to take it, possible side effects and answers to your questions.

Medicines A to Z
Find Health Services
Find Health Services

Find Health Services including hospitals, dentists, pharmacies and opticians.

Find Health Services
Your Health Organisations
Health Organisations

Directory of health organisations, including charities, self help groups and more.

Health Organisations
Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure

Enter your blood pressure reading and find out what it means and how to reduce a high reading.

Your Blood Pressure
Personal Quit Smoking Plan
Personal Quit Plan

Quitting smoking is easier with the right support. The Personal Quit Plan tool helps you to quit.

Personal Quit Plan
Covid 19
Covid 19

Get updates, advice, symptoms, testing, vaccination and staying at home.

Covid 19
Additional Self Help Resources
Additional Resources

Carer Information, Sickness Certificates, Pharmacy Help, Patient Leaflets and more ...

Additional Resources